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Your existence attracts opposition

You have to realise that for the fact you made it in this planet earth that attracts an opposition. It should stick with you that someone never wanted your existence. It is not that you ever had any controversy with this enemy. Only that he made himself an enemy to humanity and you are one of those whose existence grief his heart.

“You rule your world when you are obsessed with your responsibility.”

“The completion of your responsibility is the enemies greatest fear. “

The devil’s greatest heart break is that you made it into this planet. He understands your presence is to shine away darkness with the light in you as you go about your responsibility. The devil dwells deeply where there is darkness because his personality is darkness and his ultimate goal is to keep everyone in darkness.

Devil understands your coming into the earth is to complete a particular responsibility that will make this planet a pleasant place for God’s people to inhabit and a horrible place for him. In Genesis chapter one the devil was swimming in full darkness. The earth was filled with darkness and void. Not until when God stepped out for creation that light was introduced into the earth.  The devil knows you are created in the image and likeness of God. He knows you are a carrier of God’s glory. For this reason, he will fight you from accomplishing your responsibility.

Devil understands your presence is to shine away darkness

If the devil can succeed in taking your view off your responsibility, he can succeed to keep you down, frustrate your life, make it miseable and stop you from fulfilling your destiny.

The devil’s greatest desire is to dare the completion of your responsibility. Accomplishing your responsibility will make this planet a pleasant and more beautiful place. The devil understands your existence is a threat to him and his kingdom. His ultimate plan is to stop an individual into existence.  That is why he tricks every pregnant woman and tries to convince her she can’t put to bed safely.

His plan is for both the mother and baby to die during delivery. He understood when a child is born, he or she grows to become a threat to him and his kingdom. He knows God does things for a reason. God created an individual by purpose for the responsibility to make our world a better place and to subdue the kingdom of darkness.

Your existence is a threat to the devil.

The devil does not fully panic at your responsibility. He only panics at you discovering your responsibility and going after it. His primary aim is to keep you off track in discovering your responsibility. Even when you discover it, he will want to keep you from fulfilling it.  He is in the business to take your mind and thought off your responsibility.  He stronghly believes if he can take your mind off your responsibility, he can as well stop you from accomplishing it.

No challenge has the impetus to stop you from accomplishing any given responsibility. You are the only one who has the full right to stop yourself. Challenge or opposition is not to wear you down, is to bring out the best in you. The earlier you realise challenges is part of life, the better you become. Devil will never give up on you. He believes he can dread you from accomplishing your responsibility.

You have to understand that there is an enemy that your existence is a great threat to him and his kingdom. He will continue to fight with all that is within him to stop you from actualising your course in life. Your existence is a threat to the kingdom of darkness and fulfilling your course is a heart breaking to the devil.


You can’t continue to live as though everything is right and every one is happy with you.  Someone has sworn to stop you, get you down and humiliate you. You have to take it upon yourself to prove that enemy wrong. You have to stand your ground and keep pressing on no matter how tough the going gets, keep the faith alive.

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