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What are you responsible for?

14 – “For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

15 – And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

16 – Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.

17 – And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.

18 – But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.” (Mathew chapter 25 verses 14 to18)

You must be a person of responsibility if you must be responsible

Everyone is responsible for someone.  No one was ever created irresponsible. Everyone is responsible in God’s eyes before he or she appeared in the scene. We are all relevant to the course we are created to fulfill. Irrespective of what one may have  encountered during his or her birth does not change the fact that he or she was created a responsible being.

You have to live to prove you are responsible through your responsibility. When you see anyone who is responsible, there is a responsibility he or she is in charge that made him or her responsible. You must be a person of responsibility if you must be responsible. God sees everyone as responsible because of the task that was designed for him or her to carry out.

You can’t depend on someone to prove yourself responsible

From the beginning of creation, it was God’s responsibility to make all things beautiful for the sake of  mankind.  It was God’s responsibility to make man in His image after His likeness for man to be the god on earth to take up the full responsibility to exercise full dominion and authority on the earth, thereby reflecting God’s glory.

You have to prove yourself responsible. It is in your power and it is your responsibility to prove yourself responsible. You can’t depend on someone to prove yourself responsible. Everyone has their own cross to prove his responsibility. The act of embracing responsibility is the act to become responsible. Those who become responsible are those who live for responsibility.

Everyone was created a somebody to live for a responsibility

No one was designed to live and die local. Everyone was created to live and lay the right legacy that generations to come will live to emulate. No one was created a nobody. Everyone was created a somebody to live for a responsibility. You can’t continue to believe that some persons were created great and others less. All things bright and beautiful, it is the Lord God that made them all.

Everyone was given the same opportunity to become responsible. Becoming responsible is n individual choice. You must be responsible by the responsibility you embraced. Show me your responsible without any responsibility and I will show you my responsible by my responsibility. Think responsibility is thinking responsibly. You can’t separate responsibility and being responsible. It is responsibility that makes one responsible.

At the act of taking full responsibility, he multiplied those talents.

When the guy with the five talents received it, he made up his mind to prove his relevance by taking the responsibility to deploy the five talents into work for more productivity. He also has the chance to do away with those five talents without aiming at multiplying them. That will not make much difference but he took it upon himself that this is the only opportunity for him to prove how responsible he is. At the act of taking full responsibility, he multiplied those talents.

So it is with the person with two talents. He understood he had an opportunity either to fail himself and his generation, or to prove himself relevant by taking up the challenge to bring great dividends to the talents that was entrusted in his hand. He understood he can’t live to fail his master.

You are responsible for something that will make your life significant

It is quite amazing that the person with one talent never lived for anything. How could he not live to prove he is responsible! No individual was ever created irresponsible, it is an individual that makes himself irresponsible. When one fails to embrace responsibility, he makes himself irresponsible. You are responsible for something that will make your life significant. Of course, failure to embrace such an awesome opportunity and priviledge cost him everything.


You can’t live to be irresponsible. Your being responsible depends on your responsibility. You can’t quit responsibility to become responsible. Think about this!

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