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Transition into marriage

When one is single, he or she thinks like a single, acts like a single and lives as a single.

Why there are chaos in many home this day is because there are many couples who are in marriage but they have not transitioned into marriage fully. Physical they are into marriage but mentally they are not. They are still trying to catch the bliss of been in marriage. Marriage was designed that anyone going into it should do so with all his heart, soul and body. It is a complete wholeness in marriage.

If this is the case, there are many things that need to be transformed. No one should take his or her singlehood mentality into marriage. When one is single, he or she thinks like a single, acts like a single and lives as a single. Now he or she is married, there should be this difference in thinking, reasoning and taking action. No one can be in marriage and still be operating with the mentality of singles.

If the bible challenge man to leave father and mother that means he should also leave certain friends.

21 – And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

22 – And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

23 – And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

24 – Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis chapter 2 verses 21 to 24)

When God caused man to fall into a deep sleep and He took his rib, to form the woman. Then shall a leave his father and his mother, and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. What the bible says about man leaving father and mother, it inspires that father and woman have close relationship with him but he has to leave them for the wife of his life. If the bible challenge man to leave father and mother that means he should also leave certain friends.

Men want to keep their single friends and still run their marriages effectively

This is where there are problems in many relationships, men want to keep their single friends and still run their marriages effectively. Most women want to keep contact with their single friends. At any level in life, there are people you will leave to be able to make good and better friends. It is never all your single friends are happy with your advancement. Some are happy with your marital life while other are not happy with you.

When you advanced to the next level of marital life, it is of great importance for you to be able to recognize those who are with you and those who are not. Many newly married women are victims of this very fact. They are more attached to their single friends who are yet to be married than they are to married people who will advice them the right way. They are used to discussing whatever happens to  their family with their single friends.

 If you know your spouse is a God gift to you, you should value such marriage

There is no good advice you can receive from  those who are not a living witness to marriage. Only few can honestly advice you based on their family upbringing. You have to be careful of those you disclose your family matter with. Many singles ladies will always say, “I can’t tolerate such from any man.” Of course they can’t tolerate because they are not yet married, when they married then we will know if they will tolerate or not.

Do not play sentiment with your marriage. Never you say that you can’t lose a friend because of marriage. Your marriage is more important than any other relationship out of your marriage. If you know your spouse is a God gift to you, you should value such marriage. It is advisable to put one’s best in building your marriage. Never you be an enemy to your marriage by going about the wrong people seeking for their opinions in your marriage.

I speak also to men who has lost it by still living their single lifestyle and believing all will be right. You can’t eat your cake and have it. You as the man in the house should take full responsibility of your home and marriage. If you make friends more important than your marriage, you might live someday only to find out you have no marriage to write home about. Set the centre of your marriage right now before things start falling apart.


Value your marriage. Guard it jealously. Never you trade anything with your marriage. It is an individual’s responsibility to make a successful marriage. Give your best to your marriage and you will live to enjoy every bit of it.

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