Insecurity the threat to leadership
When you see a leader who lacks security in his leadership, you have actual met a blind leader with the two eyes open
If there is any factor that should not and never be mentioned or found in the place of leadership is insecurity. It does not matter how anyone will want to justify it at this point, once insecurity steps in, there is no more genuine leadership. There is nothing genuine in the leadership of anyone who is a person of insecurity. The greatest threat I have ever seen in the phase of leadership is insecurity.
Insecurity simply means that the leader is not secure. Once the leader is not secure, his leadership is not secure. Leadership is not really about the prospect, it is more about the person. When you see a leader who lacks security in his leadership, you have actual met a blind leader with the two eyes open. Leadership is not about who can see, it is more about the person who has the right character to lead right.
How can leader succeed in his leadership when everyone walking the leadership path with him are suspects?
Insecurity is the reason many have not any significant impacts in their leadership. When insecurity is the order of the day, nothing significant flows. When insecurity is alarming, it hinders growth. When insecurity encroaches, the leader never believes in anyone. How can leader succeed in his leadership when everyone walking the leadership path with him are suspects?
How can such leadership that lack trust ever thrive? That is the reason insecurity becomes a threat to a leader and his leadership. Many have concluded that, “God does not want me to have many followers.” That can be true when we all meet the Lord face to face. But as long as we are in this world we have the responsibility to impact people’s lives and teach them to do the same to others. Jesus said in the book of Mathew chapter 28 verses 18 to 20 Message version.
18 Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you:
19 Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
20 Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” (Mathew chapter 28 verses 18 to 20 MSB)
Show me an insecure leader and I will show you a leader who has stepped into the den of stagnation in his leadership
One the shocking attributes of insecurity in the part of leader is that it cripples his leadership. Show me an insecure leader and I will show you a leader who has stepped into the den of stagnation in his leadership. Insecurity will make a leader to remain in a place for long without much impact. Insecure leaders live to say they don’t understand what is wrong with their leadership. Everything is wrong with one’s leadership when he can’t believe and trust people to carry out certain responsibilities in his absence without having the feeling that someone will take the glory.
What cancer is to the body is what insecurity is to leadership. If urgent attention is not taken, it will lead to catastrophy in one’s leadership. No one will want to follow a leader who is not secure. If people are hovering about an insecured leader, that should be because there is what they are receiving for their personal interests, but once that seize from coming, they will disappear in a twinkling of an eye.
An insecure leader is the greatest enemy to himself and his leadership
It is never wise for an insecure leader to think that he has followers, because he might wake up one morning only to find out that everyone is gone and he is standing alone. Insecurity in a leader’s life destroys more than any external forces. An insecure leader is the greatest enemy to himself and his leadership. That leadership will continue to move about the mountain.
An insecure leader is a wounded leader. This wound is so deadly because it is a heart issue. If proper care is not taken, it can cause cardiac arrest in one’s leadership. Once this happens, everything about one’s leadership is shut down. Stop insecurity in your leadership before insecurity stops you and your leadership. Deal with insecurity in your leadership and that leadership will experience a new phase.
You cannot effective discharge your leadership being an insecure person. People need to know how much you believe and trust them. They will do anything for your leadership to keep booming when they discover they have gained your trust. Insecurity is never a attribute to be welcomed in one’s leadership.
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