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If you cannot be found in the place of responsibility, you cannot be found faithful

There is a vineyard for you to cultivate, nurture and tender properly. Everyone has a place of responsibility. Anywhere you found yourself, you are there for a course to carry out a specific responsibility. Wherever you found yourself, you are there to make an impact. It is never a mistake where you are at the moment. Thank God you made it to this tournament.

It is obvious you might have undergone some rough means that got you where you are at the moment, still you are there for something great. If only you understand who you are and what you are made of,  you should understand it is an opportunity for you to deploy the stuff you are made of and cause changes. There is always a place of responsibility that is designed for you to operate.

Thank God you made it to this tournament.

You have to understand your existence was not an accident. You have a place of responsibility here on earth that is why God created you in the first place.  You have a place of responsibility in your family that is why you came into existence to help eradicate your family challenges. In other words, you are an answered prayer to your family and it is your responsibility to live to prove you are indeed an answered prayer.

Stop crying when you should be ask yourself, Why are mine born here? What I mine here to contribute? If you were not important God would not have taken all the time in creating just you. If you were not relevant to the responsibility you were created to handle, you would have been born still. You made it alive is a proof you are in for something significant. Do not be deceived, you have a place of responsibility here and it is in your ability to make it count.

You have a place for your responsibility

14 “For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.

17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.

18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.” (Mathew Chapter twenty five verses fourteen through eighteen.  Kjv)

If you are not in your place of responsibility, or probably you are in your place of responsibility and you are not giving your best, your place of responsibility will never experience its full significance of your existence. Think about the young man with one talent, his place of responsibility never felt his significant. You place of responsibility will prove how important and significant you are.

Your place of responsibility was given to proven your faithfulness. How faithful you are? Don’t worry about that, your place of responsibility will always give the right answer to that.

You have to live to acknowledge your place of responsibility as though it is the only place to proof your relevant and how faithful you are. That is when you will start living a fulfill life and thereby making your life count.


Your place of responsibility was given to you to reveal how faithful you are. Your place of responsibility will prove how important and significant you are.

Always remember the last statement from the Master Jesus Christ will be to them who are faithful in their place of responsibility,

“Well done, thy good and faithful servant…” (Mathew chapter twenty five verses twenty one. KjV)

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