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Effective servant begets effective leader


14 – “For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

15 – And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

16 – Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.

17 – And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.

18 – But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.

19 – After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.

20 – And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

21 – His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

22 – He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.

23 – His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

24 – Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:

25 – And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.

26 – His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:

27 – Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

28 – Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.

29 – For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

30 – And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Mathew chapter 25 verses 14 to 30)

It is your results as an outstanding servant will gain you the position of leadership

I believe the scripture above is clear but we have to dig deep into it to drew out the mystery into becoming an effective leader through becoming an effective servant. There is no controversy about it, anyone who desires to be an effective leader must acquired the ethics of effective servant. You must serve diligently to becoming an effective leader. This is a deliberate act to anyone who desires the position of leadership and lead effectively.

Nothing happens by accident on the course of effective servant to become an effective leader. No one can genuinely trust the position of leadership to you if you did not prove yourself to be an effective servant. It is your results as an outstanding servant will gain you the position of leadership. You must prove yourself that you are adequately ready to lead by the results you are able to present.


There is no controversy about it, it is effective servants that end up effective leaders

Effective servant is never a titleship, it is a reward for one been diligent in service. Everyone was born a leader. Everyone has the tendency to lead. Everyone has the ability to lead. Been born a leader is never enough. One must passed through the processes of tutoring to become an effective leader through yielding one’s life to become an effective servant. There is no controversy about it, it is effective servants that end up effective leaders.

Three servants among many were called to take the place of leadership, but they have to prove themselves of who is ready for such enviable position. The master understood the implication of given someone the place of leadership who has not proven oneself. It is never a wise idea to think one is capable to take up a leadership position by mere looking at him or her. There should be a prove for such person to be sure that  his or her capacity is be properly examined.


Anyone who has not proven himself as an effective servant cannot prove himself as an effective leader

They were all given responsibility according to their various capacity. Why two saw the opportunity to be promoted to the leadership position, one was sluggish about the whole process.  In the kingdom, it was designed that anyone who will assume the position of a leader must pass the test of becoming an effective servant. Anyone who has not proven himself as an effective servant cannot prove himself as an effective leader. It is practise that made perfect.

Anyone who plays away the days to become an effective servant, will be trap when he or she assume the place of leadership. Do not forget it is what one sow he or she will reap. If one sow the seed to become an effective servant, soon he or she will prove him or herself an effective leader. Do not under estimate the days of becoming an effective servant, for there lies one opportunity to become an effective leader.


It is effective servants who are promoted to the true position of leadership

Everyone wants to emerge the leader, but not everyone is eager to pay the price to become an effective leader. Never you think you can prove your leadership ability when you occupy the leadership position. You have to prove yourself while still serving. An effective leader is raised through the processes of service to become an effective servant. It is effective servants who are promoted to the true position of leadership.

Getting someone who has not proven himself over a period of time to assume the position of leadership, is like getting  a professor is theory to take up the responsibility of a pilot to fly people on a twenty four hours journey. Of course, we all know that such journey is a threat to the life of the pilot, the crew and the passengers. It disaster awaiting each passenger when the leadership is fault. Leadership position should be a position one will detest to play sentiment with. If one is not ready, he is not ready.



You have to look beyond your emotions when an opportunity to occupy the place of leadership through embracing the processes to become an effective servant. Serve right, you will become right and lead right. You own it to yourself to be that leader who will cause transformation through yielding oneself to effective training and discipline.

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