Live your leadership
1 – “Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.
2 – Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” (1Corianthians chapter 4 verses 1 to 2)
You must have the right understanding that leadership is beyond you.
You are in to lead. Everyone was created to lead. Everyone has the ability to lead. Everyone has what it takes to lead if he or she wishes so. It is individual responsibility to lead and to lead right. Since we are born to lead, that means there is a great trust over your life not to mislead people. You only have one option to lead the people and that is the right path to fulfilling destiny and purpose and thereby transformating the society.
You must account for your leadership. Never you think leadership is all about you, and you and only you. You must have the right understanding that leadership is beyond you. Yes, leadership starts with leading oneself, but that will not be relevant all year long. There must be people who should cherish your life style and be wholeheartedly willing to follow your leading even when you might not know them directly.
We will know true and genuine leadership when we learn to follow the pattern of God.
You have to lead yourself right so that you can be able to lead others right. Leadership is about leading right. It does not matter how some persons may want to thwart it to suit their selfish interest and desire. If it is not right, it can’t be from a genuine leadership style. Leading right is a thing of the heart. One must make up his or her heart to lead right without any sentiment of any kind attached to it.
We are created as a true representative of God Almighty. In our leadership exhibition we should constantly be filled with the thought of how would God have done this. We will know true and genuine leadership when we learn to follow the pattern of God. It was God Almighty that introduced leadership in the first place and He wanted man to exhibit leadership with all sincerity of heart.
Everything about leadership in God’s perspective is good.
“Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.” (1Corianthians chapter 4 verses 1)
We are to lead the same way God would have lead. That is the hidden mystery everyone should dig deeper to be able to gain access into it. As stewards, once we have gained access in the mystery of God’s leadership, it makes leadership smooth and brings about the ultimate transformation that the world ever desire. Everything about leadership in God’s perspective is good. You can’t be on God’s path of effective leadership without bringing in effective transformation.
You must have and maintain a genuine walk with God as the Author of leadership. The only way the spirit of genuine, effective and efficient leadership can flow through anyone is having a right standing with God. Proper alignment with God is the key for genuine, effective and efficient leadership. That is the leadership that brings transformation and cause tremendous impacts and changes in the society. It is individual responsibility to maintain a proper alignment with God from where genuine leadership flows from.
The bedrock of God’s kind of leadership is being faithful.
“Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” (1Corianthians chapter 4 verses 2)
Let me paraphrase this very verses of the bible, it says “Moreover it is required in leadership, that a man be found faithful. That is all that is required from anyone who assume the position of leadership. You must stir up the attitude to be faithful. Anything less than being faithful is not worth it because it is not projecting God’s kind of leadership. The bedrock of God’s kind of leadership is being faithful.
You don’t do things your own way and claim to be faithful. You can’t make your opinion superior and still expect things to flow as though you are on God’s side. The side you are on your leadership exhibition determines how effective your leadership will be. Leadership is a respecter of nobody. You must make up your mind to be faithful irrespective of whether someone is watching you or not. Of course, people are watching you.
“But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” (1Timothy chapter 3 verses 15)
No matter what happened, we are expected to remain faithful in all that we do. From the church it spring out to the society. If you are faithful in the things of God, you will be faithful in the affairs of the society. In whatever responsibility you find yourself, the end point is that you will be found faithful. Never you trade your faithfulness in leadership for whatever. It is not worth it.