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Understanding spiritual apprenticeship


“For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Mathew chapter 22 verses 14)

Everyone who were called were all qualified for the calling. For them to be chosen they have to prove themselves


Many are called but few are chosen. Many are called but few manifest the calling. The reason why few are chosen is because few are willing to serve. The gap between your been called and your being chosen is your willingness to serve; it is your willingness to be trained; it is your willingness to undergo full discipleship and it is your willingness to accept responsibility as a true calling to fulfill destiny.

Many were people called! For the fact that many were called indicates that many have what it takes. Those who were called were called for the very reason they can deliver. They who were called were called on the view that they have the capacity and charisma to stand strong even in the midst of all odds. Everyone who was called were all qualified for the calling. For them to be chosen they have to prove themselves.

Promotion in the kingdom is for them who are able to prove themselves

Many people who were called did not live to manifest their calling. Many people’s calling died because they were not ready to be mentored and even training. They did not prove themselves because they were not willing to yield themselves for proper discipleship. Everything in life demands process. No one can jump the process to become right. If one must live right, he or she must abide with the whole process. It is the process that will produce anyone.

What you do with the little thing committed in your hand now will determine where you will end up. Service will take you where effort would not take you. Until you humble yourself and serve effectively, God will not promote you. Promotion in the kingdom is for them who are able to prove themselves. Never you forget in your lifetime that people are watching. People know if you actually made it right or not.


The person to be enthroned is he who is willing to go extra mile to do what others are p0pnot willing to do

33 – “And he came to Capernaum: and being in the house he asked them, What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way?

34 – But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.

35 – And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.” (Mark chapter 9 verses 33 to 35)

Service is simply being willing to take responsibilities. Anybody who runs away from responsibility cannot be enthroned.  The person to be enthroned is he who is willing to go extra mile to do what others are not willing to do.


Those will fail to be under are never qualified to be given the opportunity to be on top

Spiritual apprentiship is a whole spiritual exercise that will deal with every works of the devil in one’s life. You cannot be trusted for promotion if you are not willing to prove yourself by undergoing spiritual apprenticeship. People who fail to learn cannot lead effectively. Those will fail to be under are never qualified to be given the opportunity to be on top. Promotion in the kingdom is for those who deserve it.

35 – And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.” (Mark chapter 9 verses 35)


There is always the place of training and there is always the place of manifestation

Jesus made it known to everyone that there is no sentiment to this, whoever desires to lead must learn it through effective service. There is no promotion with the proof of results. It is by what everyone was able to accomplish that will tell who is suitable for the very course to lead. People mess up their leadership because they failed to yield properly to their spiritual apprenticeship.

Whatever one fails to acquire now in the act of spiritual apprenticeship, it will require greater effort to acquire it in the future. There is always the place of training and there is always the place of manifestation. May you never misunderstand the both of them. There is a place of being and there is a place of doing. You must be before the doing. Anyone who tries to do before being always encounters difficulties.


Spiritual apprenticeship is an opportunity for one to effectively develop oneself for ministry. How far one was able to yield himself into it will determine how far he will be able to go and how effective he will discharge his duty.

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