Embracing proper time management
Time is one of the costliest commodity, but it is limited.
Time was one of the factors God puts in place when He set out for creation. The same factor guided the whole process of creation. God observed timing during creation. Everything was at a specific day and time. Everything came into existence at an appointed time. In Genesis one everything came into place at a specific day. That’s to say everything on earth is subjected to time, even in the whole universe.
Time is extremely important for life within the earth and other activities that occur out side the earth. The earth revolts at a specific time which brought about day and night. The sun brought about its set up and its set down. The moon and stars displace their unique light by night. every event in life will come to pass only on a specific time planned by God. Time is one of the costliest commodity, but it is limited.
Embracing proper time management leads to success.
It is wise to understand proper time management is directly proportional to success in life. Anybody who ignour this, is likely not to experience any tangible success in life. the first law of time states that, ‘time cannot be utter, it is above everything’. There is nothing one can do for the day to be running for 25 hours. No force can manipulate that. If you can’t take proper of 24 hours of the day, I beat you, you can’t take proper care of your time even if rise to 72 hours.
It ‘s your responsibility and it is in your power to diligently embrace the 24 hours of the day and be able to properly delicate it for the activities of the day. We will become successful and fulfilling all that God has planned for us and accomplish great things when we have a full understanding to manage time properly. With this, is good to know our lives depend on time. We existed for a time frame. The fact remain, if you fail to properly manage your time, time will definitely manage you. You have a choice to make every bit of your time to count. Is in your power and it is your responsibility to embrace ultimate decision to make proper used of your time.
If you fail to properly manage your time, time will definitely manage you
This is what I presume to be the second law of time. Time is a respecter of nobody. There is 56400 seconds, 1440 minutes and 24 hours in a day. you have to work your life as if you have just 24 hours to live. Time will never validate its standard because you misused its opportunity. Understanding the important of time and passionately embrace it, is essential for everyone on each day.
The more we understand time and properly manage it, the more opportunity we will have for success. Is obvious that anyone who truly embrace the real value of time and the role it plays in life, will stand a chance to be successful.
You can vividly amount to success in everything you do, if only you can embrace proper time management.
You can’t stop the time from ticking. That is impossible, even if you try to use the last blood in you. The ability to maximize time is the key to fulfillment of one’s potential. You can’t waste your life making good use of your time. Show me someone who diligently manage his time, and I will show you someone who takes his life serious. I will show you someone who is in to get the best out of life. I will show you someone who is discipline to make his life count.
I will show you someone who want to add a smile on the face of this world. I will show you someone who wants to live a productive life that the generation to come will live to remember. I will show you someone who does not intent to waste a moment, who is always active and a go-getter. I will show you someone who is in to achieve and accomplish much in a short time. You can vividly amount to success in everything you do, if only you can embrace proper time management.
It is your responsibility to take proper management of your time. If you fail in time management, you have yourself to blame. Cherish every second of your time and make it count.
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