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The wounded hearted leader

The most venerable people in the phase of leadership are leaders whose hearts was never healed before they assumed the leadership position.  No matter what anyone thinks, you can’t expect effective leadership from someone whose heart is full of hurt. A wounded heart will always springs out hurt. The effectiveness of one’s leadership is dependent on the state of his heart.

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.” (Proverbs chapter 23 verses 7)

A leader with a wounded heart will probably cause his followers to develop a wounded heart if care is not taken

It is the state of one’s heart that determines the style of leadership. When you see people whose heart is bitter exercising leadership, it tells in their leadership. Do not be deceived, one’s leadership tells more about his or her state of heart. I have seen people who assume the state of leadership and they keep saying because of what happened in the past they can’t take certain decisions that will reveal the effectiveness of their leadership, instead they are afraid that that might bounce back on them negatively.

A leader with a wounded heart will probably cause his followers to develop a wounded heart if care is not taken. A leader whose heart is full of hurt will establish his leadership on hurt model. He will be thinking he is doing the right thing but all that he thinks and do is all about what will benefit him. Most of the case it is not about others but about themselves.

When it is obvious to your followers that you don’t really believe in them, never you think you have loyal followers

While the wounded hearted leaders is the worst kind of leaders any denomination, organization and society can have. The reason why they are the worst kind of leaders is because the state of the heart cannot allow them to believe in people, especially those who are working with them from a distance. Once a leader finds it difficult to believe his subordinates, how then will such leadership boom.

How will a leader want to succeed who does not deem it right to fully believe in others? People cannot have an easy flow with a leader who does not believe in them. How ridiculous it is when a leader will make it obvious to his followers that he does not fully believe in them by his style of leadership. Not believing your followers as a leader is a big threat to your leadership. When it is obvious to your followers that you don’t really believe in them, never you think you have loyal followers.

The essence of leadership is not having people who desire to occupy the position of leadership; the essence of leadership is having people with the right heart who will be given the opportunity to lead effectively

If this continues, it will not be long everyone will be declining from your leadership. Soon you will call on your followers only to see you are standing alone. No one can faithfully follow a leader who is afraid of him. Once one cannot believe his followers, he can’t trust them. Unfortunately, this is taking place even in the Christendom where leaders whose hearts have not been thoroughly yielded to the master for a thorough spiritual surgery for complete wholeness.

In whatever one thinks, in whatever one says and in whatever one does, if he must be an effective leader who leads effectively, he must first of all check the state of his heart to know if he is the one who needs help before throwing a hand of help to others. The essence of leadership is not having people who desire to occupy the position of leadership; the essence of leadership is having people with the right heart who will be given the opportunity to lead effectively.

A leader with a wounded heart is always at the verge of compromise

Politics in most organizations including the church is highly driven from wounded hearted leaders who refused to yield their heart for proper healing. A leader with a wounded heart is always at the verge of compromise. He can be easily pulled about by the people he was made to lead.  They always have a way to doing things to favor themselves even when it apparently that that is not the right path to genuine leadership.

A wounded hearted leader knows the truth but deviates from living by the truth.  They can pretend to be genuine, but their true stand will be revealed as leadership proceeds. They can’t stand the test of time without revealing the state of their hearts when it comes to genuine and effective leadership.


Check your heart to see if you are right for leadership. Don’t play sentiment on this course of leadership. You need to be sincere to yourself. If you are not yet fit, you owe it to yourself to yield to the teachings to becoming an effective leader.

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