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To display the right attitude is your responsibility

You have to come to the knowledge that you have the power to the choice of attitude you will display. No matter how people try to convince you to pick up an attitude that is detrimental to you, you have the choice to accept it or reject it. However you turn out, is the choice you make for yourself.

The attitude you choose to run with will determine if you will joyfully arrive at your destination or not. You have to bear in mind that your attitude is your choice. You can be adviced and be pressured to do certain things, but you still have the choice to succumb to such advice. All we are saying here is that you have the right of the last decision over your life. No one has what it takes to make you yield to what you have not accepted within you.

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.” (Proverbs chapter 23 verses 7)

You have to bear in your mind that your attitude is your choice

Your attitude will make the difference in your life. Your attitude will keep making the difference in your life. You see, you can’t give what you do not have. Your attitude will first of all impact you before it impacts those around you, especially the ones looking up to you. If you must influence those around you positively, you must have taken your time to stir up such attitude that have to influenced your life positive.

The right mental attitude is as a result of those who choose to stir up the right mental  attitude so as to live and fulfill purpose. The wrong mental attitude is as a result of those who choose to stir up the wrong attitude so as to live to satisfy their selfish interests. There is no one who does the right thing, who does not know he or she  is doing the right thing. There is no one who does the wrong thing who does not know he or she is doing the wrong thing. Attitude is a choice. Whatever choice of attitude you make, you will definitely live with it.

Whatever choice of attitude you make you will definitely live with it.

You live to influence people. Directly or indirectly people are looking up to you.  The course of choice  to influence people rightly or wrongly is right before you. And any of the choice you make will go a long way to determine how far one will go in life. Attitude is powerful. It will make a difference in your life if you completely yield your life to it.

Once your attitude affect your life positively, it will as well affect the live of the people around you positively. Some persons on their own accord have decided to keep the wrong mental attitude and that have influenced some persons around them negatively and thereby bringing more harm on the society. Since you have come to the knowledge that your attitude was designed to influence  you and those around you, you have to  decide on yourself to keep a positive attitude and use it to influence others.

Since you have come to the knowledge that your attitude was designed to influence  you and those around you, you have to  decide on yourself to keep a positive attitude and use it to influence others.

If you find yourself in a team and things are still going the old way, I think you should have a change of attitude. If you have a positive attitude, being in a team it will affect them positively. You have to hold yourself responsible. Never you say, after all this is the way things have been here. You are there to bring change by changing and charging the people positively towards yielding positive results.

If your desire in this life is to be great, you need to have a great attitude. Great attitude brings great results. There is no controversy about the power of positive attitude. It can create the unthinkable and brings great renovations. You can’t continue with such low attitude and be expecting something great to happen.


Attitude is like a foundation. Building on the right attitude is the right foundation to finishing strong and to resist the pressure of the circumstances of life.

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