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Diaspora life is not about leaving one family for another family

It is insane to be thinking of leaving your family to mingle with another family elsewhere with the thought that the present family will be a better home for you. There are many madness that is trending in the society that should not be permitted.  Many men have actually destroyed their family with the thought that they want to travel abroad to make ends meet. Crazy things all over the place by those who are sick in their mind and that has eluded them to do the right thing.

Wonders shall never end with the fact that some persons will never learn from other people mistakes. Their thought and belief is that their case is different.  I am not against anyone having a positive thought concerning the future, but there should be a base of every thing.  There is an adage in my dialect that said, ‘My case is different is a bad name.’

Nothing as family

Money is good. Of course it is beautiful. Travelling is good and also beautiful. But that is not enough reason to substitute one’s family for travelling abroad or making money. There is nothing as good as family. The responsibility of a man is attributed to his family.

“God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.” (Psalms sixty eight verses six.)

It is a misnomer to leave your family to another strange land. That is madness except you made a plan for those you left behind to join you. Many can testify it wasn’t how the bitter cola sound in the ear so it tastes in the mouth. It is not what many planned initially later became the out come. It is a strange land you are venturing to so strange things a bound to happen.

Place so much value to your family

What a crazy world of greedy ambition all over as the air one breath. Which of the story will I tell and leave the other. A man was doing so well here in Nigeria. He married this beautiful young charming young lady. They had lovely kids. One day this man decided to start applying for a United kingdom visa. Of course he got the visa but he never put his family into the plan.

The funniest part of it all is that he never brought his wife into his business. She was more like a house wife. The wife was not really doing much at the he left. It was obvious he might have a good plan to acquire wealth and come back to give his family the life they ever desire. But that was not the case as this young man met the storm of his life that I believed if the clock hand can be turned,  he should never developed the thought of travelling and leaving his family behind.

There is nothing like family. There is no place like home. No union like the family.  God values family. Husband should value family and wife should value family.

God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.

Cherish your family with everything within you

I am not advocating that no one should travel with the mindset to give the family a better life. Whatever plan one has, always put the family first in that plan to keep the family united. Family being together can cause God to break every chain of reproach from the devil. That is what the scripture above said. A man who did not think about his family is rebellious and God said the rebellion shall dwell in dry land. Once one stepped in a dry land how on earth does the person hope to prosper?

The young man stayed many years abroad without coming back home. What did you expect to a young beautiful woman he left behind. Of course she must have met some other ladies who will want to show her the way in quote.  Apparently it only takes the grace of God for her not to start misbehaving.

Cherish your family with everything that is with you. Abroad has elevated some persons but it has also crippled so many. Many could not find their feet again because they spent their lives savings purchasing visa and flight ticket. Right now things did not turn out as they think. They are trapped at the middle of the road, to stay is not the best option as leaving.


As diaspora we get to value and put our family first in all things.

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