10 ways to create the right atmosphere
- Your atmosphere influences the decisions you make:
In the midst of everything as believers, it is never every atmosphere that is nice at every single moment. There is an atmosphere we create when the song flow, classical or dignified. At some such atmosphere one relaxes his or her head, calm one’s nerve and observe some cool moments of relaxation.
- You can do some painting that might help create the environment you want:
Some beautiful paintings have a way to create in an individual the mindset to start thinking creatively. If that is what you ever need to step into your path of productivity, never you hesitate to get one beautiful painting for yourself. Painting and colour can affect our thoughts, our strengths, our enthusiasm and greatly affect the decisions we make towards greatness.
- You must create the environment that brings out the best in you.
I know of a friend in the business environment who does not like playing cool music. He like it hot and loud. That is the environment and atmosphere that gingers and stirs up the best in him. To me I don’t really enjoy hot and loud song for long. When I am on an assignment that i need to be fast so that i can handle others, i love to listen to praise songs. It is different from when I want to ponder, meditate and reflect, I love to listen to slower, more worshipful music. I know the value of creating the environment and atmosphere around myself.
- It is your responsibility to create the right atmosphere at all cost:
You cannot live your life with the wish that someone else will create the right atmosphere for you to be able to perform. People’s atmosphere that bring out the best in them differs. Nobody else has the capacity to create your atmosphere for you. It is in your power to discern your atmosphere and pursue it for yourself.
- Always get the right picture in view:
What you set your view on has a way to control what you desire. It is wise and good to get the pictures of what you desire and set them before you. As you behold them, that creates a reality in your mindset. One of the ways to grow and keep one’s faith alive is having the pictures and images of the things he or she wants.
- You should devote time to daily behold what you desire:
It is practise that make perfect. What you devote time beholding daily has a way of affecting your person and your going after what you desire. There is no controversy that what you are viewing daily affects your person and your desire to do something. Just like the children, once they set their view on a playground, something in their systems triger their hormones to play.
- Keeping a picture of your desired end creates the atmosphere and the constant mindset of possibility:
Yes, picture of the kind of car you desire to own some day will help stir up your desire towards bringing it into reality. Some persons may be desiring to marry, get the picture of that wedding gown and have a daily view at it. It will create that atmosphere of wedding coming forth. It is the same with someone who is trusting God for a child, you can snap a picture of where you look pregnant woman, and as you view it daily to change your mindset into believing you will carry your own baby. You can also have the picture of the home you want to live in.
- You can invest on your interior decoration to help your productivity:
There are people who have some exciting decoration that helps their daily greater productivity. They have a view on those interior decoration before going to bed, they have a look on them as they wake up in the morning. That can create the environment and the mindset to keep pressing on even when the going get tough.
- You have to invest on experimentation to be able to create the environment and atmosphere you really need around you:
It is good to take out time and run some kind of experiments to be able to know which one will work out best for you. There are place you need to visit and that will help change your mindset and increase your productivity. Nothing elude you to leave where you are and go to great places that will help blow your mind.
- You don’t have to wait on others to initiate changes in your environment:
If you are waiting on others to initiate and create the changes in your environment, you might stay longer than expected. You have to take the full responsibility to make any investment necessary to create the kind of environment that will inspire you towards improving your life for greater productivity. Whatever it will take, pay the price that is necessary to create an environment that enhances your greater productivity.
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